Tuesday, 3 January 2012


The problem identified

As a collective we identified that there is not alot of health and saftey graphics for skateboarding. It is  something that is seen as uncool. It is something that is very important and should not be ignored.

Evidence found to support the decisions made

The evidence we found of thus was through our research. We researched and found out the amount of injuries that occur in skateboarding, peoples opinions on health and saftey within skatboarding, and looking at how little thing there are out there educating people (kids) about skateboard health and saftey.

Methods used to gather evidence and the forms it took
I seeked alot of peoples opinions on saftey within skatboarding. I asked many skateboarders that I am in contact with, and asked in local skate shop, welcom,  about what they think about it and if they wore protection etc, which in all cases was a no, which helped us realise that our audience was deffinitely the younger audience as the older age group of skaters have their opinions formed and would be almose imposible to make them change thier minds. Another form of research that I did was primary visual, I looked at the make up of the board, how it is made, what it is made from, what parts its made from etc which really helped to inform me and the group when drawing up the designs. Another form of research we did was looking online at the statistics of injuries etc to gain a wide knowledge of the facts.

Methods that were useful

The surveys were the most useful form of research as it gave us direct statistics of our own. It also abled us to form and informed opinion of how important protection can be whilst skatboarding and how it is overlooked. it also abled us to recognize who our audience was.

Informed responses to the problem
 We decided from doing the research that we needed a way to highlight the dangers of skateboarding to kids, we felt a large scale visual poster was best to do this.

Methods that proved to be problematic
Deciding our target audience was the most problematic thing as it is so important to get it right. It also meant we couldnt get designing until it was decided as depending on what age range we were going for would mirror in our design conciderations.

How were these overcome?

By doing surveys/ asking people. We realised our audience would be younger genoration/ begginers as the older generation of skatboarding have made up thier mind about saftey.

Research that could have proved more useful

Getting more people to participate in our survey would have proved useful as it would have given even more accurate statistics. It would have also proved useful to ask more kids their opinions as they were our audience.

As a group I feel we did work well and improved more as a collective towards the end of the project as before that it was more doing things individually. I feel we tried to have good communication and stay in touch but at times the communication broke down so if we were to work together again we would have to work on it. As a group design jobs were distrabuted evenly but due to the strong stylystics of the poster the end designs were done by individual to maintain the fluidity of the poster, which we agreed was the right thing to do and influenced the design by working all together to decide layouts, colours etc. but at the end of this project I can now see this was not the right thing to do as that individual had too much on and the rest of us not alot.

Aspects I have personally learnt about the design process throughout the duration of the brief

Communication is key
Organization is needed
Dedication is needed such as meeting up as a group our of ours
People need to be given equal oppertunity to contribute.
Having a vast and wide variation of research really helps the design process

Things that could be done differently next time

gather more stats
Do more designs
Work more as a collective rather than individuals
Spread work evenly
check work more thoroughly for things such as spelling mistakes

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