Sunday, 8 April 2012


From Lorenzo's workshop I have discovered how important working to a grid is, and how often it gets used. Before I had no idea about grids. It was also really interesting learning how to measure the point size of text which is a useful thing.

This is the magazine I have chosen to have a look at and re-design, 
it's a fishing magazine galled Angler's Mail. From drawing on several of the pages I found this magazine is made up of 3 columns on each page, with a 14mm margin on either side and 4 mm gutter
I have also work out some of the point sizes they use but they are written on the magazine.

This is the scaled down underlying grid for my layout designs. By using this it makes layout designs so much more accurate and there fore a lot more effective as you have more of an idea of whether or not the layout works. Being shown how to use pens to create a mmicd hierarchy was also really useful.

This is my finished layout. I have used the drawn fish as a stand in as the images from the magazine were not usable. 

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