Saturday, 23 March 2013

GOOD IS : LOOKING UP - water mark development / CRIT feedback

Water mark:

For my research book I have proposed that I want the text to appear as watermarks do, when light is shined through. I researched into how watermarks are created in industry, and also my hand, but both ways were not  realistic or achievable for me to do.

I started to think of other ways i could mimic this water mark effect using light and dark, and then one day when I was at work one of the employers was joking around pretending to try and read a payslip in an envelope by holding it up to the light, it didn't work, but it made me realise that if you have two sheets of paper the front piece plain and the back piece of paper darker but with things you want to see white, when you hold the paper up to the light these things will shine through.

Water mark mock up :

This sticker sheet mocks up perfectly what i am trying to explain. when there is no light coming through the paper it appears as if there is nothing there, but then when held up to the light the logo appears, and this is because the logo has a black background which doesn't let the light pass through, but the white paper does, so because of this block of light it causes objects to appear.

This is how I will make my book. The images will be printed as normal on the front page, and the the text will be on the behind sheet inverted colour so that the background is black and text is white, so that the light will only shine through the text and the background the light will be blocked by the black.

Mock up of book :

This is a mock up of how the book will work / look. I started double sided sticky tape to stick the two sheets together but this was not successful as for the text to shine through perfectly, the two sheets must be fully stuck togthether with no gaps, I then tried prit stick but the same thing happened. By doing this I have come to the conclusion that spray mount will work best, and is what I will use for the real book, as it means the two sheets will be stuck perfectly.

Crit feed back :

Bellow is the feedback I got from the crit. It was all very positive, I think the fact that the format of my book reflects my 'good is' topic as it makes you look UP went down well.

Some feedback I got that I need to address is the fact that it doesn't actually tell the reader to look up to reveal the text, so someone might just there is no text and miss it all together, this is something I don't want to happen so I will put on the intro page a memo to hold book up to light to reveal text.

Another point I got was a bout format, as it was quite hard to hold the book up to reveal the text. I agree with this comment, the format is very awkward, and way to large. I think if I made it A5 a posed to A4 it will be much more usable, and the function of looking up with it will work better.

Plan :

- add memo on front
- change size to a smaller format
- buy spray mount

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