Wednesday, 30 January 2013


This it PDF version of my book. After the final crit about our print manual a few things were flagged up to me that I needed to change. The first thing I needed to do was add page numbers. In books, especially thick books with lots of pages, you need to be able to have a reference to what page you are on, it is also a way of refereing to certain information on that page. Before I had only numbered the chapters, but after crit saw how important page numbers are.

Another thing I alltered was spelling and over hangs of the text. Things that I thought I had thoroughly checked before the crit, but obviously needed a proof read from another pair of eyes.

I also sorted out some alignment issues that were flagged out to me, so checked my whole document to make sure and found more errors, corrected all ones I could see

I also decided to change the cover. The black seemed a bit heavy and dark, I want my publication to seem approachable and achievable, not somthing that is daunting. I changed the black to the blue that is used throughout the book and changed from having solid background colour to just the outline.

I am overall happy with my print manual. I set out to create something that is informative, but not overwhelming and I think I have achieved that. I think the product is suitable for my audience of new designers / designers un informed about print / people with an interest in learning about print, it is not too text heavy, and has visuals thoughout to appeal to the creative. For some reason my PDF isnt saving out right or ISUU is set wrong and is making the size of my document landscape A5 instead of portrait A5, I will try and sort this. 

printed W R O N G :

This was my first attempt at printing out my Print manual. Everything went to plan until i had to cut it down and due to the thickness of the book and the stock in the tipin it didn't cut up well and ended up looking like a dog had chewed it.

R I G H T :

The samples appear really all in the book they stand out and will function as a useful tool for looking at process.

This time I cut the pages down first before sewing the section together, and the book came together really well. The handmade paper gives the book a really interesting look, makes it stand out. I combated the facile issue of the handmade paper by sticking it to some card. I am hoping to print the title out on the cover but this is time dependant. 

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