Monday, 22 April 2013

GOOD IS : LOOKING UP - research summery

Bellow is a quick summary of the research I have been doing.  The combination of the three bellow makes a really strong argument as to why you should look up. I think this will be a really interesting direction to go with for a concept.

- Milton H. Erickson

1901 - 1980
Milton Erickson is considered to be the most important 
hypnotherapist. He was a psychiatrist / hynotherapist 
practising in Arizon, Phoenix, USA.

Milton Erickson, used to get his depressed patients to count chimney pots.  This cleverly gave the patients an excuse to look up and start broadening their horizons.

- Bilateral movement 

It is impossible to get upset or angry while you’re tossing a tennis ball from hand to hand. There is something very psychologically significant about bilateral movement.
‘Walking your blues away’

By stimulating both sides of your brain it is impossible to feel angry and upset. This bilateral movement can be achieved simply through walking or looking in directions.

- Dérive

One of the basic situationist practices is the dérive, a technique of rapid passage through varied ambiences. Dérives involve playful-constructive behaviour and awareness of 
psychogeographical effects.

A way of exploring a location where you don’t have control you follow instructions that make you go on a journey that you would not normally go on.

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