Wednesday, 17 April 2013

RESPONSIVE : YCN Churchill - design development

Quotes posters :

I wanted to include in the pack quotes by Churchill as they are very iconic and well known. He was a very powerful and motivational speaker who was whity too.


From the research into Churchills quotes on my CP blog I have chosen 3 quotes to further -

'If you're going through hell keep going'
'Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.'
'Never never never, give up'

These quotes are all really motivational and positive, and the audience will benefit from reading them.

Posters design process :

Quote 1 -

'If you're going through hell keep going'

These are photographs I took whilst at a bonfire night I will use them to represent the quote 'If you're going through hell keep going'. The colour of the flame is to bright and strong, I want it to be more subtle so I will edit it in photoshop.

By making the image grey scale I can now change it to duotone and find a colour that works for my design, encompasing the flame, hell feel but in a subtle fashion.

this is the colour combination I have dicided to go for for my flame. It gives a nice subtle orange, witch is like the glow from the flame.

Quote 2 -

 'Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.'

This is the image of Churchill that I will put on the poster for the quote  'Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.'. The image is very strong like the quote is, I think they represent each other well.

Posters :

These are my finished designs for the posters. I am happy with how they have turned out, they send a positive message in a strong way as Churchill did in his speeches.

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